Native to the Mediterranean Region, Rosemary is a woody herb characterized by fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves. This aromatic evergreen is attractive, drought tolerant and great for pest control support. Rosemary can also be used in the home for cooking, air fresheners, and aroma therapy mixes. Rosemary can grow up to 5’. Prune to ensure size is regulated as well as density. Drought tolerant once rooted.
Native to Africa, Europe, and Asia Lavender is characterized by the purple spikes of flowers with mauve petals waving at the top. Also called butterfly lavender because of its attractiveness to butterflies during the spring months. Lavender oils have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which is why it was used in hospitals abundantly during World War 1. Lavender can grow 1-2’. To keep its shape cut back after every flowering period. Drought tolerant once rooted.
Native to the Mediterranean region, the olive tree is short and squat rarely exceeding 25’. The leaves are of oblong shape and silvery, green in color. The fruit is to be harvested in the green to purple stage. The oldest olive tree is in Croatia and has a radiocarbon dating age of 1,600 years. Olives have a rich history with many uses. Minimal pruning is needed but pruning must be performed between the fall olive harvest and the bloom in May once the tree starts bearing fruit. Drought tolerant once rooted.
Native to the Mediterranean region, the pomegranate tree is rich with history and dates back to the Early Bronze Age. It has multiple spiny branches with bright red flowers and bears fruit 2-4” in diameter. Pomegranates bear fruit in the Northern Hemisphere from September to February and can be used for an array of culinary uses. Drought tolerant once rooted.
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